Tuesday, April 26, 2005

girls and macs

i watched 'supernanny' last night... i love that show. a 9 year old boy and 4-year old twin girls--and what girls they were! cute little monsters. supernanny did a great job helping the two helpless parents get a grip on things, as usual. even though the two girls were badly behaved (to the extreme), i couldn't get over how *cute* they were! even when they were throwing tantrums i found myself smiling. i just don't know how i'm going to be able to discipline a cute little toddler of my own without laughing and smiling... maybe after a few months of it, and enough sleepless nights, the humor wears off a little? let's hope.

i'm writing this entry on a new iBook G4. this is the first apple i've ever owned. in fact, i've hardly ever even worked on a mac before; not counting the Apple 2 I had back in the 80's.

here's my assessment of the apple so far, coming from a life-long PC person: the operating system is head and shoulders above Windows, no doubt about it. things work the way they ought to work... when you close the laptop, it actually goes into sleep mode ever time... not 75% of the time, as with my PC. when you open it up, it works great (unlike my Dell, where i have to 'repair' the wireless connection on wake-up). my bluetooth connection works flawlessly, unlike my Dell, where i had to screw around with COM port settings and such. seriously, why do i even have to know about COM ports anymore?? it takes me back to the days of autoexec.com and config.sys. the apple simply gets out of your way and lets you do what you want to do... how the PC ought to be.

my disappointments so far come mainly from the fact that i'm going from a high-end PC (Inspiron 8500) to a low-end Apple. i hope to remedy this soon by upgrading to a 15" PowerBook in the next couple of weeks. a couple of other gripes: no right-click button on the laptop keyboard. i simply cannot believe that you would not include a right-click button when it's so useful to have! my other complaints have to do with the low-end nature of the iBook: no ability to span across multiple monitors (unbelievable!); no S-video out capability (without an extra adaptor); pretty crappy resolution (only 1024X768); no microphone jack (that I can see)


Jesse said...

have mac envy. sounds cool. dreaming about what it would be like to just close my laptop and go...


Anonymous said...

ahh grasshopper welcome to the light side, so glad you converted...way to go donson....
