Monday, May 30, 2005

wedding in Mackinac

just got back from a cousin's wedding on Mackinac Island... the sky was blue, the clouds a puffy white, and the temperature was nice and cool... here's one of my favorite shots of Julie from that day:

Saturday, May 21, 2005

(*&^*&^%$ sick

hack...wheeze.... ugh, it's been a rough week | a little sore throat for my wife julie--then a little sore throat for me; not sure if i'm really sick... but no... soon that tickling progresses to the nasal membranes | "i know, i'll use zicam!" | not a chance--ain't no zinc going to stop this train--the germs are insulted | the snot begins to flow | where's the puffs plus? (i love that built-in moisturizer) | go through a box of that stuff in one day | maybe just a little head cold, then all better? | i can feel the mucus draining into my lungs... this is gonna be rough | start that hacking cough... the "productive" kind | what's a good color for phlegm? | call the doctor--says take some expectorant and decongestant; tough it out; call back if near death | this sucks, sick for the alpha weekend--one of the highlights of my job | start to feel better by tuesday; decide to work--big mistake | wore myself out! sick as a hamster wednesday morning | have to sleep in guest room so i don't keep julie up | feeling better today (friday)--oh lord, i hate being sick.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

political typology

this is cool... i heard about a political typology survey online. It's at:

i came out as an 'Upbeat'... very interesting! if you're willing, post a comment and let me know what your typology is.


Tuesday, May 10, 2005

rejection letter

I received this rejection letter from the JSNT (Journal for the Study of the New Testament), which is "one of the leading academic journals in New Testament Studies. It is published five times a year and aims to present cutting-edge work for a readership of scholars, teachers in the field of New Testament, postgraduate students and advanced undergraduates."

The reviewer pretty much skewered me. The harshest line was "There are a lot of quotations, but little independent reasoning." Ouch! Tell me what you really think. It was acutally a very helpful thing for me to have, and gives me a better idea of what scholarly journals are looking for.

Admittedly, the paper was not up to professional standards. I submitted it to JSNT on a lark, with no expectation that they would actually accept it. In fact, I think I submitted the paper to every journal I could think of. I'm not sure this was a good idea, but oh well. I'm not very disappointed by this rejection, so don't feel bad for me (if you were inclined to).

I still plan to clean the paper up and submit it to the EGLBS journal this summer.


Dear Dr Bromley, [I like that! The first time someone referred to me as "Dr" in a serious way! Little does he know...]

Re: The Healing of the Hemorrhaging Woman: Miracle or Magic?

Thank you very much for submitting your above article for consideration by JSNT. I am sorry to say that the reader’s judgment, with which I concur, is that the article is not sufficiently strong for us to publish in the journal. I append the reader’s comments below. You may like to know that we reject over three-quarters of all articles submitted for publication, and only the very best pieces, suitable for this particular journal, can be accepted.

I am sorry to convey a negative judgment and wish you well in your continued work.

Yours sincerely,

David Horrell

David Horrell, Editor, Journal for the Study of the New Testament

[I haven't included the brutal review on my blog here... if you're interested in it, let me know, and I'll email it. You can read it whenever you're feeling bad about yourself... it's sure to cheer you up (at my expense)!]

my workshop at the national conference

These are the rough notes I used for my workshop on 'Effective Ministry as a Staff Pastor' at the national leaders conference. I originally planned something much different, but decided that I wanted to speak more from the heart than give lots of 'how to' tips and strategies.


Decide whether you’re called to full-time pastoral ministry. Not everyone is!

Know that there are other ways to serve God than full-time pastoral ministry. There are other good things you can do: you can write books, teach, be a motivational speaker, run a corporation. You can be a doctor, counselor, wealthy philanthropist…

Be sure you can make money in other ways!

Figure out really early whom you’re serving and why. Be completely honest with yourself.

Count the cost (Hope to marry? have kids? Buy a home?) There are implications.

Having said that: full-time pastoral ministry is a privilege. It’s a wonderful way to earn a living. It’s fascinating, challenging, stimulating, rewarding


When assessing a potential senior pastor to work for, remember that the most important thing is their character (integrity, honesty, godliness), not their giftedness. Other things can be worked around.

Don’t work for a senior pastor whom you don’t personally like. You’re going to spend a considerable amount of time with this person. (not necessarily best friend material, but have to at least like them).

Make sure your senior pastor is someone who will support you and go to bat for you. Is he or she invested in you (e.g. time)?

How does the senior pastor care for those already working for them? How does he/she care for his/her family? Are they dysfunctional?


Get a detailed written job description and tack it up on your wall.

Full-time pastoral ministry is a job. Insist on regular performance evaluations. Ask questions about your salary and benefits. Get it in writing.

Full-time pastoral ministry is different than other jobs. Not a professional-client relationship. Higher standards of integrity. Greater expectations.

Get as much training as you can. Read books, go to conferences (including non-Vineyard), talk to other pastors.

Consider education: seminary, VLI, VBI, etc.

Start to figure out if you want to be a specialist (long-term associate, etc.) or a generalist (senior pastor). Don’t have to decide right away.

After a couple of years, ask for a few brutally honest assessments from those who know you and have seen you in action.


People who work for a church are sinners too.

There will be some disillusionment during your first years. That’s because you’re probably an idealist and/or a romantic.

Being in full-time ministry does not help your spiritual life.

Your motivations for going into ministry weren’t all good. Maybe not even mostly good. That doesn’t mean you weren’t called. Be real about it.

Ambition is OK. God wants and needs ambitious people. Be ambitious for good things. Confess and repent of ungodly ambitions.

Your senior pastor will not live up to some of your expectations. This is especially true if there is an age gap and you’re looking for a perfect mentor (father figure).

Full-time ministry is a job. You have paperwork, meetings, bureaucracy, boring stuff.


Keep your relationship with Jesus at the center. Don’t put your senior pastor, your spouse, your career, there.

Learn spiritual disciplines that work for you. Don’t give up.

Learn to be assertive. Speak the truth in love (Eph. 4:15). Ask for what you need. Get things off your chest (but don’t dump).

Develop intimate friendships with other men. [acquaintance—companion—intimate friend] Go outside the church if necessary. Have accountability.

Keep envy and jealousy in check. This is not a zero-sum game. God is in charge.

(James 4:10) Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.
(1Pet. 5:6) Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.)

Cherish your family.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Vineyard Leaders Conference

the national vineyard leaders conference was fantastic... check out the link for audio.