Tuesday, September 14, 2004

South Beach

Well, I'm doing the South Beach Diet thing. Can't believe it... two weeks ago I can't believe all the people doing it, and now I'm one of them. I was in Sam's Club and saw the book there on the shelf... and BAM! I'm doing the diet. I've been way under-active and eating too much junk... this is sort of a nice jump-start to eating better. Plus it's not un-healthy like Atkins... you still eat carbs and you don't eat bad fats.

Life is good! Things are going well at church, Julie and I have more time at home now, i'm done with the thesis, and the German class is easy. I'm going to a small-groups conference at Willow Creek church later this month. Should be fun... it's a huge church doing lots of cool stuff. I'm hoping I get to drive the Matrix out there... haven't talked to Julie about it yet.

I'm looking forward to seeing Agent Zero soon... right up my alley... looks cool.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

of course you can take the Matrix! i love you. -Julie